Sunday, September 20, 2015

women's health - LEG EXTENSION




Adjust the seat and ankle arm so you are positioned with your knees next to the rotation joint of the leg extension machine and the ankle arm is just above your feet. Allow a natural arch in your lower back. Anchor yourself by holding the handles of the machine. Flex your feet with your toes turned outward at 11:00 and 1:00 (A).


Contract your thighs and extend your legs outward until your knees are fully open, nearing a locked position (B). HARD
Pause with your legs fully extended and straight, feet flexed toward you.
Slowly bend your knees and lower your feet back to the starting position under control (A). EASY
Be conservative and use lighter weights to start.

women's health - LEG EXTENSION
Why It’s Perfect for You

The female body’s wide hips, while custom-made for childbearing, cause a pronounced weakness of the quadriceps. This exercise corrects any imbalances among the four quadriceps muscles to promote healthy knee alignment and tracking.

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